Ojeda had snatched a king from his body guard of a thousand or more men with only ten men of his own. Several atempts were made by the Caribs to recapture their chief. But all were repulsed.

The Spanish in the new world were in great need of food and so it was a great joy to see four ships coming in the month of September of 1494.
The King and Queen sent word that they were well pleased with him. Columbus sent back his charts and strange plants that he had found. He also sent back 500 natives that he had captured.

Now the red men soon formed a league and then marched against Columbus to take back the Lord of the House of Gold. But Columbus took a small band and a score of Blood hounds that were trained to rip human fle

He then enslaved many natives and forced others to pay a tribute. His main aim was to pay off the debt he owed to the king and queen of Spain.
In Spain many people wanted his position so they spread lie's about him working men to death and making others work while sick and weak.
On my next post I will finish Columbus's adventures on his second voyage.
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