Today is Charles Darwin's birthday. He was the person who proposed the false and unbiblical theory of evolution. Here is a brief timeline of Charles Darwin's life.
On February 12th 1809 Charles Robert Darwin is born.
In 1817 Darwin's mother dies.
In 1818 He attends Shrewsbury Grammar school with his older brother Erasmus.
In 1825 Darwin's father pulls him out of school to help him in medical practice.
In 1825 He goes to the University of Edinburgh.
In 1827 Darwin leaves the medical university to go to Christ's College to study for the ministry. During this time he neglected most of his studies. He spent most of his time collecting bugs and reading.
In 1828 Darwin begins thinking about a career in natural science.
In 1831 Darwin begins to attend classes on Geology.
From 1831-1836 Darwin sails on the HMS Beagle visiting South America, Tahiti, and the Galapagos.
Darwin begins to interact with people who share his same view of millions of years.
In 1837 John Gould gave back the samples that Darwin gave him telling him that they were finches with beak variations. After that Darwin began to formulate the idea of Evolution.
In 1838 Darwin breeds domestic animals to study how change happens.

In 1839 He marries Emma Wedgwood.
During the years between 1840 and 1859 Darwin had 8 children, although several died.
In 1859 He published his book "Origin of Species."
In 1882 He died.
And that's the highlights of the person who gave the theory that is linked to abortion. And because of it Hitler, and Stalin the two biggest mass murderers of all time also were driven by the theory of Evolution. I hope in the future I can fully explain that the theory of Evolution is false and should not be accepted as fact.
1 comment:
Hey John,
I like your post, and would like it if you would post further on Darwin and his wrong theories (and the few things he got right, of course).
Female FP
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