Soon the saw land. Most of the natives fled after seeing the ships coming and left food that was much welcome to the hungry sailors who were with Columbus. They asked the natives when they finally came out of hiding where they could find Gold. They pointed south so in a couple of days the neared land. But suddenly as they drew near at least three score men in ten dugouts came at them yelling and meaning war. Now a young red man named Colon who knew both Spanish and the language of the red men soothed the warlike crowd with kind words and gifts. Then they drew near to isle the beach was suddenly fil

Columbus called the island Santiago but now it is called Jamaica. They still thought though that they were near Japan. But the crews were sick and the ships worn down and the food was going bad.
They followed the coast of Cuba and he thought that it was the mainland of China. But Columbus fell ill and they had to return to Isabella.
Now ships from Spain arrived with fresh supplies. Columbus was extremely busy with quelling the strife between the forts and red men. One of the chiefs came and warned him that the chiefs were in league to destroy them. On top of that the Lord of the House of Gold was on the warpath. He could not easily get to his lands for they were on the other side of the island and it had dense forests, deep streams and high rocks that kept invaders out. He sent a man named Ojeda who was a man known to do daring feats. With ten bold men on horse to go and capture the Lord of the House of Gold.
Ojeda got their and became friends with the chief. He urged him to go to Columbus and treat with him. Now Ojeda also told him that if he came that he would give them the bell of the small church in Isabella. Now when the red men heard it calling for mass they thought that it spoke and the white men paid heed to it. Now the Lord of the House of Gold wanted that bell very badly so he agreed. When they left Ojeda was surprised at the enormous force of Armed men that the Lord of the House of Gold was taking with them. When Ojeda Asked why the large force was necessary The Lord of the House of Gold said that it would not do for a great prince to go out with a small train.

Ojeda feared that the Lord of the House of Gold was going to do some dark deed. Columbus either wanted to make peace with him or take him captive so Ojeda thought up a bold scheme. They came to a large stream. and Ojeda brought forth a pair of handcuff and told the chief that they had come down from the skies and were worn by the kings of Spain, and that they were gifts from them. He also said that if he put them on and cross the stream with them on a horse that his tribe would look up to him in awe. The chief was pleased to wear the bright steel and ride the strange animals. Then they crossed the stream and then they rode away as fast as they could. They made it back to Isabella with the Lord of the House of Gold in the handcuffs.
To be continued.
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