Next, was the Primus Pilus. He was in charge of 700 to 800 men and 8 senior centurions. This man was shown respect for the position he held. He got paid 18,000 denarii a year. Although he was a very superior officer, he would fight as much as a Legionary. The Primus Pilus carried two weapons called a gladius, and wore a cool looking breastplate.
The Senior Tribune was the Legates right hand man. He was in charge of six Tribunes and had lots of respect. He was also in charge of all the paper work.
The Legate commanded a whole legion and never ever fought.
If you have any questions about this army, just leave a comment and I will answer you personally. If you would like to read more on the roman army just click here.
Oh, yeah, and John, my idea for the next group is the Britons. (the British) you could get a very long and thorough series on them, if you started before their roman conquest, and ended at the conquest of the Normans.
Hail Caesar!
Dear John,
I think that the blog is pretty cool. I differ with you on the points of officers. Where do you get your information? i think it goes, Optio, Centurion, Tribune, Legate, General, Proconsul, Senate/Emperor
Dear john,
i am looking for something to get for a boy's birthday. he wants roman toys. what kind look most realistic, and are yet fun.
Mrs. Baucham
Dear Mrs. Bauchaum,
Schliech (or that is how I think it's spelled)is a good brand that sells romans
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