If you have a question just leave a comment and I'll answer you personally.
"History is very important to us because it shows the mistakes of man. So when we see it we are not likely to repeat them."
Here is a list of the main early German aircraft:
WWII started when Hitler invaded Poland with the USSR. He and his generals were trying a new type of strategy called Blitzkrieg. This new type of warfare was fast and deadly.
Imagine your looking at a map of Poland and the surrounding countries. Here is how they invaded Poland...
The Polish army was conquered in a matter of weeks. The new strategy had worked! The third Reich's next target was Scandinavia. They soon had it captured. They then attacked Belgium and advanced so quickly that Belgium and British soldiers had to evacuate all of their soldiers at a place called Dunkirk. After driving out the soldiers in Belgium, Hitler invaded France. He conquered it in four weeks (they were still using the Blitzkrieg tactic). By July of 1940 Hitler's empire had tripled in size! Then Europe quieted down for the rest of the year.
School in Rome
Almost all kids in Rome went to school,boys and girls. They usually read on scrolls, but wrote on wax tablets. School was harsh in that you could quickly get a beating for not following instructions.
Fun in Rome
The Colosseum is where Romans went for entertainment. There they would watch people or animals kill one another. This is a crazy form of entertainment in my opinion. However, we Americans don't hesitate going to the theaters and watch Jason Bourne kill people. Are we that much different then the Romans of yesterday?
For those of you interested in weapons, here is a list of what a gladiators might use while fighting in the Colesseum:
The retiarius would fight the secutor. Venatores were at type of gladiator that only fought animals. The Colosseum in Rome could hold 50,000 people! It had a pool in the middle and some Palm trees in the middle.
What type of animals were used?
If you have any questions about this post, just leave a comment and I will answer you personally. If you would like to read more on the roman army just click here and it will take you to a great website.
The Legate commanded a whole legion and never ever fought.
If you have any questions about this army, just leave a comment and I will answer you personally. If you would like to read more on the roman army just click here.
Then there was the tortoise which looked like a tank. It was so strong that once they tried to drive a cart and horse over it and it worked! Here is a picture of a tortoise.
The next soldier is the Centurion,he was paid 8,500 denarii. He is in charge of 80 men and was very cruel. In battle he would usually lead wedges. You can see he has a unique helmet. His only weapon is a gladius. The stick in his left hand he used to beat disobedient legionaries. Here were the top 4 reasons a Centurion would issue a punishment.a
1. Cowardliness
2. Theft
3. Disobedience
4. Desertion
Please come back for more on the Roman army.
Remember if you have any questions just leave a comment and I will answer it in my next blog.
1.Their aqueducts were probably the thing that they were known most for. They would usually start at some mountain then traveling over hundreds of miles to some city. Then a smaller one would hook up to a reservoir then the water would be shipped off by pipes to fountains, bathes, and villas.
Now if you have any questions just leave a comment then I will answer it in my next blog.