
Saturday, October 16, 2010

This day in Providential History, October 16th

In 1781 - George Washington takes Yorktown, from British forces.
In 1793 - Marie Anoinette is guillotined at the pinnacle of the French Revolution.
In 1813 - The Sixth Coalition attacks Napoleon at Lepzig.
In 1859 - John Brown leads a raid on Harper's Ferry, Virginia.
In 1923 - Walt Disney is founded by Walt Disney and his brother, Roy Disney.
In 1939 - WWII: First air attacks on Britian by the German Luftwaffe.
In 1940 - The Warsaw Ghetto is established.
In 1962 - The Cuban Missile Crisis begins.
In 2006 - A 6.7 Earthquake causes massive damage's to property.

To see the complete list of events, births, and deaths Click Here

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