Pearl Harbor was a Japanese attack on one of our naval bases in Hawaii. No one on our side even knew the attack was coming. One eyewitness account said: "It was early Sunday morning and I heard the sound of engines I ran out and saw Airplanes with red dots and I thought must be a drill, but then the one of their planes dropped a bomb and I knew that this was real". The Japanese sank many ships, the sailors had little time to react and the Japanese struck quickly. Their plan was this, the first wave would fly in and knock out as many ships as they could.
The second wave targeted the air fields and planes. The third wave targeted the dry docks and ship yards. The first wave did their job efficiently, the second the same, but the third didn't even hit. This mistake proved to be a very fatal mistake. Admiral Yamamato decided that they had done their job. The mistake was that with the dry docks still
intact the could rebuild almost every thing they had lost. The americans had lost many ships but they fought on till the wars end.

They sunk many battleships, like the Oklahoma, Arizona, and Virginia. These are only three out of the seven battleships that were sunk. Three battleships were rebuilt in the dry docks.
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