The winter was hard for the 3 million citizens of Leningrad in 1941, the German armies had surrounded the city. Their next step was to invade the city, but the people of Leningrad had been preparing for the attack. They would go out a little ways to dig tank traps and trenches. Also surrounding the city there was barbed wire with machine gun nests weaved in at a regular intervals. But that was only the outer perimeter, inside the city there were houses that were actually pillboxes and on top of that the whole city was mined.

Then in September 1941 General Von Leebs Panzer's cut the railroad that connected Leningrad to Moscow now their only way of communicating was crossing Lake Lagoda. Now there was a problem with this route because the Luftwaffe patrolled this route regularly.
So trapped in their doomed city the people were forced to take extreme measures, people ate everything they could get their hands onto. They ate wallpaper, make-up and even leather belts. The only way to get food into the city was to travel across the ice on Lake Lagoda. Soon steady convoys came across the lake with trucks that were full of food. The truck drivers were considered as heroes. The Germans tried to break the convoy by bombing it, but nature just filled the craters right back up. The siege would continue until January of 1944.
If you have a question just leave a comment and I'll answer you personally.
1 comment:
I'm so impressed with your grasp of history! What an *amazing* understanding that you have of the events that have shaped our world. It's always good to see someone else shares a love for history. Keep up the good work!
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