WWII started when Hitler invaded Poland with the USSR. He and his generals were trying a new type of strategy called Blitzkrieg. This new type of warfare was fast and deadly.
Imagine your looking at a map of Poland and the surrounding countries. Here is how they invaded Poland...

- The fourth Army started in north Germany, then fanned out as far as the USSR, the towns of Kutno and Plock, and a small detachment to Danzig.
- The tenth army started in central Germany, and fanned out as far as the VistulaRiver and to Warsaw. While a small detachment went to Lodz.
- The third army started in East Prussia and went to Warsaw and Modlin.
- The fourteenth army started in Slovakia and went ot the San River.

The Polish army was conquered in a matter of weeks. The new strategy had worked! The third Reich's next target was Scandinavia. They soon had it captured. They then attacked Belgium and advanced so quickly that Belgium and British soldiers had to evacuate all of their soldiers at a place called Dunkirk. After driving out the soldiers in Belgium, Hitler invaded France. He conquered it in four weeks (they were still using the Blitzkrieg tactic). By July of 1940 Hitler's empire had tripled in size! Then Europe quieted down for the rest of the year.
dear john, how long in total did the blitzkreig take? and where do you get all this good information? you are very well studied. next time, please get some maps that mark all those confusing names.
God Save the queen from such danger!
NEVER 'heil hitler'!
Caleb is Adolf Rommel. How many armies did Hitler have anyway?!
caleb, he had etleast 14
dear jonh,
How big was the average 'army in the german army. and what types of extras did they have (ie. tanks, planes, etc.)
Dear John,
how was the normal infantry soldier armed. i like the blog, but you should post more regularly.
Dear Jasmine,
at the beginig of the war hitler had about 3,000 planes, 5,000 tanks, and around 600,000 men.
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